cc6 Janesmoor Pond, Stoney Cross

CC6     RACE 4 

Wessex Road Runners & Lordshill Runners invite you to Race 4 of the series.

Time /Date       09 : 30             8th December  2019,

 Venue            Janesmoor Pond         Grid Ref.  247 135

 Undulating course on gravel tracks.  Distance is 9K approx

There are no changing facilities or toilets.

Water will be supplied.  Bring your own container.

Parking will be at Janesmoor Pond.

Please car share where possible and arrive in good time.




cc6 Dibden Inclosure – race photos

hope you all enjoyed todays race at Dibden – copy and paste the link below to find a selection of photos taken before the race, at mile 2 and a few more around the finish area – thanks to Hardleys Jeremy Barber for them


cc6 details Dibden Inclosure

Dear All,  Please find below the details of next Sunday’s CC6 in Dibden Inclosure.

Host club: Hardley Runners

Venue: Dibden Inclosure, Beaulieu Road, Dibden Purlieu

Date: Sunday 24th November 2019,   Start time: 9:30 am

Course: The route is the same as last year. A single lap of approximately 4.7 miles with a mixture of grass, gravel and muddy tracks (and some hills) around Dibden Inclosure.

Parking: As parking is limited we request that you CAR SHARE wherever possible.    Race parking is not permitted in Dibden Inclosure car park as this MUST be left for members of the public.   Parking on the tracks of the Inclosure (SO42 7YR) is reserved for those who car share to the event.  Note: If parking on the tracks please move your car to the public car park AFTER the race if you plan to stay on in the area.   More parking is available a few minutes’ walk from the start in Dibden Purlieu in the public car park on Oak Road (SO45 4PH) and on Nash Road, West Road and North Road. See the attached map showing parking locations.  There is STRICTLY no race parking in Roman or Oak Roads and please park considerately in any of the other residential streets and do not block driveways.


If you park in Dibden Purlieu you MUST cross the A326 using the Pegasus traffic lights which lead to the start area.


Facilities: There are no toilets available except at the Tesco superstore at Applemore. The Applemore Leisure Centre now charges swimming rates to use the showers.

NB: As with all the Forest courses please be very considerate to members of the public using the area including dog walkers and horse riders. Our Forest Permits for CC6 and RR10 races depend upon your courtesy.  Please listen to the marshals out on the course as they will be alerting you to obstacles such as uneven ground, fallen trees, roots, etc.

CC6 Manor Farm race details

Stubbington Green Runners and Netley Abbey Runners will be hosting CC6 #2 at Manor Farm Country Park on Sunday 13thOctober @ 09:30. Manor Farm is located just off Junction 8 of the M27 and signposted from the Motorway. The nearest postcode is SO31 1BH.

Route and Safety:

The route is approximately 4.3 miles long with a couple of hills. With the recent rain, the route is muddy in many places, so trail shoes are recommended. Please take care when running downhill especially. There will be a couple of quiet roads to cross which are marshalled, but there will be very few, if any, cars. There are also a couple of gates to negotiate. Any exposed tree roots and stumps will be marked where possible.


As ever, we expect parking to be tight, so please car share as much as possible. There will be no parking charges on the day, so there is no need to buy a parking ticket. Please do not park on the access road outside the Country Park entrance. Follow the road towards the Barnfield Car Park and Marshalls will direct you. Please follow the instructions of the Car Park marshals and be aware of traffic while walking along the road to the start area.

General Notes:

  • The start is 09:30 prompt.  Please allow time to arrive, park and get to the start.
  • We do not have exclusive access to the Country Park, which is popular with dog walkers, cyclists, and other users, so please be considerate to the local residents.
  • The Ladies and Gents toilets in Barnfield will be unlocked for the race.
  • The Start and Finish will be at the same point level with the hut in Barnfield.
  • The route is a mixture of grass, gravel paths, but mainly trails and bridleways, through fields and copses and along the river. Tree roots, ruts, large stones, low branches, posts, steps, gates, bridges and a couple of lovely hills (first at Mile 1 and a final one near the finish) will require you to watch your step around the course – please pay attention and listen to marshalls who will be at all important marking and warning points.
  • There will be water available at the end of the race however, in an effort to reduce our environmental impact, it has been decided not to provide cups so please bring your drink or reusable cup.

Our members are also providing cakes and treats so please help yourself post-race.

Please also take any litter home to keep the park clean.


We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

Fleming Park race report and photo link

A glorious sunny morning greeted us for the first of the CC6 series at Fleming Park, as did an abundance of marshals and helpers from Eastleigh Running Club, Hedge End Running Club and Itchen Spitfires for which we are most grateful.

114 ladies and 127 men finished the 4.2 mile route around the park, the numbers being up on last year and the last runner crossed the finishing line within an hour.  Thank you all for running and we hope you enjoyed it.

There is nothing quite like a good slice of home baked cake after a race so a huge thank you also to the wonderful cake bakers.

We have a lady’s vest which was left at the gazebo which will be brought along to the next event if someone would like to claim it please.

Dave Nowik was there to capture the morning and his photos can be seen using the link below.


Results Processing 2019/20

A massive thanks to Eastleigh, Hedge End and the Spitfires for hosting a fantastic race this morning…. and cheers for the wonderful weather!

Just a quick message for team captains – just in case you didn’t receive the email – if you could forward all results this season to that would be awesome!

If you haven’t received the template, you can either use the template from last year or email me and I’ll send you a copy directly :0)

Cheers and well done to all who raced this morning!  Happy CC6’ing!!!

2019/2020 fixtures

Race dates and locations now published on fixtures page but please note that forestry race dates are still provisional and dependant upon forestry commission approval which should be confirmed within the next week

Update – forestry permission now approved for dates, just a need now for approval for the planned courses

CC6 race1 Fleming Park – Sunday 1st September 2019

Eastleigh Running Club, Hedge End Running Club and Itchen Spitfires have pleasure in welcoming you to the first race of the season to be held at Fleming Park in Eastleigh.  The nearest post code is SO50 9LH, which is the Pavilion in Kingfisher Road.

The course is approximately 4.2 miles in length which consists of three laps plus the start and finishing straight.  Please refer to the attached map.  The route is predominantly on grass with a few mud tracks which at the moment are dry.  Please watch out for rabbit holes and tree routes and adhere to any instructions given to you by our wonderful marshals.

The race will start promptly at 9.30am.

Street parking is available on the main roads such as Passfield Avenue and Chestnut Avenue, also parking is available as shown on the attached map.  Please car share wherever possible.  We also kindly request that you do not park in the adjacent roads to the Pavilion so as not to inconvenience the residents.

We do not have exclusive use of Fleming Park so please be considerate to other park users who will be out walking their dogs, collecting their Sunday newspapers or just out and about enjoying a quiet stroll!

There are no changing facilities at the location but there are limited toilet facilities external to the Pavilion which runners can use.  Runners are not permitted to use the internal toilets.

Cake and water will be available after the event, however we will not be supplying cups so please bring your own bottle. Should you require further sustenance, the Blackbird café at the Pavilion should be open after the race.

We look forward to seeing you all on Sunday and hope you have an enjoyable run.