Race #8 Wilverley Plain

The ultimate CC6 race of the 2018/19 season is taking place this Sunday, 10th March 2019 at Wilverley Plain, hosted by New Forest runners, Lymington Tri & Lymington Athletes (see map and race details). We look forward to seeing you!

Race #4 Stoney Cross

Wessex Road Runners & Lordshill Runners invite you to Race 4 of the series. Date              9th December  2018 Time              09 : 30 Venue            Janesmoor Pond         (Grid Ref.  247 135) Undulating course on gravel tracks. Distance is 9K approx. (see map). No changing facilities or toilets. Parking at Janesmoor Pond, approximately 1K North ofContinue reading “Race #4 Stoney Cross”

Race #2 – Whiteley 07/10/2018

October 7th sees Stubbington Green Runners and Netley Abbey Runners host the next race at Whiteley Woods, Whiteley. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help. Whiteley is accessed from junction 9 of the M27, from here head straight over the first roundabout towards ‘Whiteley Shopping’ & ‘Cinema’. At the second roundabout you willContinue reading “Race #2 – Whiteley 07/10/2018”