Virtual CC6 20201 – Final Results!!!

MASSIVE well done and Thankyou to everyone who took part in the virtual CC6 series this year!!! I hope you all enjoyed getting out and smashing these amazing off road 5 milers!!! I have loved hearing about the routes you have all been running!!! Here are those all-important final results!!!…..

A HUGE kudos to this year’s winners…..

Overall Men:

1. Kit Lau, Southampton AC

2. Dan Latham, Hardley Runners

3. Jason Palmer-Myers, WADAC

Overall Women:

1. Jane Gandee, WADAC

2. Valeria Sesto, Lymington Athletes

3. Emma Carter, WADAC

Mens Age group Winners:

S. Dan Latham, Hardley Runners

V40. Kit Lau, Southampton AC

V50. Jason Palmer-Myers, WADAC

V60. Steve Oliver, WADAC

V70. Mick Anglim, Hardley Runners

Womens Age Group Winners:

S.  Alice Rudd, Hardley Runners

V40. Valeria Sesto, Lymiongton Athletes

V50. Jane Gandee, WADAC

V60. Jane Hodge, Hardley Runners

V70. Chris Harris, Hardley Runners

Mens Teams:

1. Hardley Runners


3. Eastleigh RC

Womens Teams:


2. Hardley Runners

3. Lymington Athletes

For the full results, follow this link……

Cheers and fingers crossed for some non-virtual RR10’ing this season!!!

All the best,

Becky :0)

Virtual CC6 February Results!!!

Hi all,

MASSIVE apologies that I kept you waiting in suspense for so long this month!!!

Here is a link to the virtual CC6 standings two months in!!!

I imagine there were some pretty muddy trail shoes in February, but STILL those times are getting EVEN BETTER!!! Can’t WAIT to see what the March results have in store!!!

Keep up the amazing work and I’ll try to be quicker off the mark myself next month with publishing the results!

Have fun,

Becky :0)

CC6 Virtual Races

With it now looking highly unlikely that the league will resume this season due to the current covid situation we are now looking to hold 3 off-road timed 5 mile runs with individual club members picking their own routes and dates/times of runs to suit themselves and then forwarding the details of their run onto their relevant cc6 rep for collating and forwarding on for adding onto the cc6 website.

basic rules are

  1. Runners to pick a 5 mile off-road run of their own choice (no road crossings please), preferably with start and finish in roughly the same location (can be laps) and then submit the details to their club cc6 rep (strava photo showing elapsed time or similar)
  2. 3 runs in total, one in January, one in February, one in March with exact date and time of run left to individual runner to choose – you can do as many runs as you want but only one to be submitted per month please
  3. run details to be submitted by end of each month and then club reps to collate information and forward onto Becky on Excel spreadsheet by end of first week in following month please
  4. runners must partake in all 3 runs to be eligible to win their relevant age category group – no individual awards I’m afraid, just the normal recognition on the website
  5. runs must comply with current covid rules which means for most of us no more than one other person with you on your runs (and whatever new rules may emerge in the next 3 months)

Your club cc6 reps should be able to answer any queries you have and if not they can forward onto me – good luck and lets hope we are back to normal for next season.


CC6 Results now up!!!

Hi all,

Thanks for being so patient in waiting for me to get these results published…… so finally….. the moment you have all been waiting for!!!……

Here is a link to the final CC6 series results for 2019-2020!!! (sidenote – these results have been finalised based on the assumption that mens ticket number 92 blew away in the wind before it made it to the hands of the intended recipient!!! ;0)…….

SO  ….. a MASSIVE congratulations to this season’s winners!!!…..

Emily Trumpleman from Lordshill and Helen Wallington from Totton are joint winners for the overall women’s title, alongside Ant Gritton from Lordshill who takes this season’s mens overall!!!

Lordshill snap up both Men’s and women’s team titles, so a huge well done to them!!!

A MASSIVE congratulations to this season’s age group winners too….

Emily Trumpelmann (Lordshill), Sarah Nangle (Eastleigh), Helen Wallington (Totton), Sally Gilbert (STC), Rosemarie Osborn (New Forest), Ant Gritton (Lordshill), David Currie (Eastleigh), Trevor Hillier (Lordshill), Mike White (Stubbington Green) and Mick Anglin (Hardley)…… You are all LEGENDS!!!!!

WHAT A SEASON….. Well done to everyone for turning up and making this series so awesome!!! Bring on the RR10’s!!! :0)

CC6 – Final results on their way!!!

Hi all,

Many apologies for the delay with uploading the final CC6 results….. the provisional results are complete, with one exception – I am on the search for male finisher 92…… if anyone remembers being given that ticket as they crossed the line on Sunday, it would be awesome to hear from you!  Swing me an email at…

Cheers all and MASSIVE well done for a FANTASTIC season!!!  See you all in April for the RR10 season opener!!!!!!


CC6 Season Finale…. Wilverley!

Hello, All.
New Forest Runners, Lymington Tri Club and Lymington Athletes are all looking forward to welcoming you to the final CC6 race of the season on 8th March 2020 @ 9:30am at Wilverley Plain, New Forest.
The attached CC6 – Parking Map shows we have three opportunities for parking this year; the main car park will be at Wilverley Plain and (formal) overflow will be in Longslade Heath and Yew Tree Bottom, of which we have exclusive use.  As ever, our marshals will direct you on arrival and please do car share where possible.
This course is slightly different to previous years, due to extensive Forestry work within the enclosure so, please see the CC6 MAP for details.  The course length has been checked at 4.8 miles (7.8km). It is a technical, cross-country course which consists of grass track, single track, gravel cycle paths and boggy mud, all on undulating surfaces.  There are a couple of significant muddy descents so please, if unsure, go down slowly.
Although the route is actually along defined ‘paths’, several of these are uneven, very muddy  and contain exposed routes, tree stumps, low-hanging branches and animal burrows.  As such, please watch your footing and if you are at all unsure, slow down.  There is one particular section where you will pass a large log stack – please watch your footing here.
In general, please keep clear of the log stacks and DO NOT climb on them.
Spikes are not recommended but a decent pair of trail shoes would be a plan, unless it significantly dries up by next weekend!
DO NOT just follow the person in front – look around at the hazards both above and below.
DO follow the instructions of the marshals, who will direct you and do their best to indicate any upcoming hazards.
Getting There:
Due to limited Parking at Wilverley, please do car share where possible to reduce congestion and the need to use the overflow car parks – these are half a mile away, across a busy road.


From the North:

Take A35 south from Lyndhurst (NB: please allow 10min extra to get through Lyndhurst – traffic is generally bad!)

Turn left onto slip road at Holmsley Tea Rooms (signed ‘Setthorns Campsite‘ & ‘Burley Manor Hotel‘)

Follow general directions as below

From the South:

Take A35 north from Christchurch.

Turn left onto slip road at Holmsley Tea Rooms (signed ‘Setthorns Campsite‘ & ‘Burley Manor Hotel‘)

Follow general directions as below

General Directions:

Turn right onto minor road, towards Setthorns’, ‘Sway’, ‘Brockenhurst’.

Travel east for 2km, over cattle grid, follow road up and left, to car park(s).

Please pass the entrance to ‘Wilverley Enclosure‘ (you should see a Marshall)

Please turn left into ‘Wilverley Plane’ (you should see another Marshal!)

We do not have exclusive use of the plane or the enclosure so, please respect any members of the general public and their animals (i.e. dog walkers, horse riders…), who may be present during the event.  The event will be cup-less (other than for hot drinks) but water will be available and there will be a selection of cakes and bakes for your post-race enjoyment.  There is a single toilet block available as shown on the map.
Thank you and we look forward to receiving you.

Chris Aplin – RD
New Forest Runners

CC6 – Update – Race CANCELLED

Hi all,
We have just completed a further recce of the first section of the race and the car park areas. We have made the joint decision that we are going to have to cancel the race.
The first section of the course below the car park has began to flood again. The car park areas have deteriorated substantially since our inspection this morning. The course will probably be fine but we are not going be able to park the number of cars needed without significant damage to the camp site.
The weather forecast over the next 2 days forecasts heavy rainfall and we can not run the risk of alienating the Foresty Commission with the RR10 series and Stinger races in the future.
We have looked at alternative dates but have not beeen able to find one that does not clash with other high profile races.
It is therefore with much regret that we have to CANCEL this year’s event.
Steve Wallington
Totton RC