With it now looking highly unlikely that the league will resume this season due to the current covid situation we are now looking to hold 3 off-road timed 5 mile runs with individual club members picking their own routes and dates/times of runs to suit themselves and then forwarding the details of their run onto their relevant cc6 rep for collating and forwarding on for adding onto the cc6 website.
basic rules are
- Runners to pick a 5 mile off-road run of their own choice (no road crossings please), preferably with start and finish in roughly the same location (can be laps) and then submit the details to their club cc6 rep (strava photo showing elapsed time or similar)
- 3 runs in total, one in January, one in February, one in March with exact date and time of run left to individual runner to choose – you can do as many runs as you want but only one to be submitted per month please
- run details to be submitted by end of each month and then club reps to collate information and forward onto Becky on Excel spreadsheet by end of first week in following month please
- runners must partake in all 3 runs to be eligible to win their relevant age category group – no individual awards I’m afraid, just the normal recognition on the website
- runs must comply with current covid rules which means for most of us no more than one other person with you on your runs (and whatever new rules may emerge in the next 3 months)
Your club cc6 reps should be able to answer any queries you have and if not they can forward onto me – good luck and lets hope we are back to normal for next season.