Race 8 – Wilverley Plain

And so we finish another CC6 season.  I hope everyone has enjoyed their running, it certainly seems so, judging by all the feedback.  Thanks today to New Forest Runners, Lymington Tri and Lymington Athletes. This is what you said:

  • I loved Wilverley, definitely my favourite CC6!
  • As usual the marshals were great, as were the cakes!
  • Please pass on my thanks to the organisers. A tough course, but just what a cross-country race should be with something of everything, open flat areas, technical trails and hills with plenty of mud thrown in for good measure. The reward for our efforts was the best post-race refreshments of the series.
  • big thanks to New Forest for hosting us so well, the course was very well marshalled with ever cheerful people, the promise of hot drinks and cakes sped us along the final home trek.  Colleagues thought the muddy course was challenging but like a good technical run.
  • was an awesome course today!!!!
  • Great set of races – Di – our thanks to the organisers!!!
  • That was a great way to finish the cc6 season! Thanks to all of the organising clubs for this race, and anyone else that has been involved across the whole series. See you for the rr10s.
  • I have reports of enthusiastic marshalling, mud, lovely cakes, mud, appreciation of hot drinks, mud and some mud.  A shame that the end of the season is already here but roll on next year!

    I’d like to say thanks to all the Club Results people for their thanks to me!  Much appreciated!


Just in the nick of time, here is the lowdown on Sunday’s race from New Forest Runners:

New Forest Runners
2017 CC6 Wilverley Plain
BH25 5TZ
(Private house – race car parks 500m north)
SU 254 010
8km (approx)
DATE: 6th March 2014
RACE START 0930 Prompt
• From North: Take A35 south from Lyndhurst.
• From South: Take A35 North from Christchurch.
• Turn left onto slip road at Holmsley Tea Rooms,
• Signed “Setthorns”, “Burley Manor Hotel”.
• Turn right onto minor road
• Signed “Setthorns”, “Sway”, “Brockenhurst”.
• Travel east for 2km, over cattle grid, follow road up and left to car parks.
• There is an initial 1 km wide, flat grass run prior to the path narrowing.
• The course consists of grass, gravel track, mud, single track, bog and water
crossings. Spikes are not recommended.
• The course is configured as a single loop.
• The course is owned by the Forestry Commission and is open for public use.
• Please be considerate to other forest users and aware of horses.
• There are limited toilet facilities in the main car park (Please Car share where possible to reduce congestion and needing to use overflow car parks ½ mile away)
• Tea and Cake available afterwards.

New Forest Runners CC6 web

Race 7 – Dennywood – 19th February

Due to a slight hiccup in my Excel spreadsheet, the Men’s individual overall results went awry.  All sorted now – sorry about that chaps.

Results all done now.  One more to go – 12th March at Wilverley – See you there!

I wasn’t there today, but it must have been good, according to the comments I’ve had in:

  • I normally add a little line about how good the race was but I haven’t seen anyone that raced today… but no-one died and no-one said they would never, ever run again so it must have been as brilliant as ever!
  • Everybody loved the race.
  • Thanks to Totton, great race in perfect conditions, just the right mix of track, mud and hill.
  • As always our (male) runners enjoyed today, a wonderful mix of paths through the forest, fording streams and some challenging undulations, and some outstanding cakes at the end, my favourite the rocky road!!!  Thanks Totton for another well marshalled race.


Here is the lowdown from Totton on our next bit of muddy fun!

“The next CC7 race will be hosted by Totton Running Club on the 19th February at Dennywood.

Directions to Dennywood can be gained here http://media.wix.com/ugd/772585_692a5a0ec7984e96a1ca3404f46e110d.pdf

The race will start at 9.30am.

Parking will be within Dennywood Enclosure and there will be marshals directing you where to park.   Please do not park your car on the grass verges and please car share where possible as space is limited.   

The course is the same as previous years and is about 5 miles long.   The running route is on gravel tracks, woodland and grass paths.   There is a small road crossing at the very start and finish of the race and I would recommend trail shoes not spikes.     If the weather stays mild and wet the course will be muddy.

The enclosure is a public place and there will be others using the area so please be courtious to everyone.”


Also, a request has been made to remind everyone that when taking part in a CC6 event, runners should wear their club kit, so as to be identified.  It’s getting very competitive…!

Race 6 – Kings Garn Inc – 22nd January 2017

I hope you all enjoyed today’s CC6.  It was pretty damn cold, very muddy and far too hilly for me!  But very many thanks to our hosts Halterworth, Romsey and Southampton Tri. It must have been freezing standing around cheering us on, we appreciate it!  This is what you said:

  • Our thanks to Romsey RR, Halterworth Harriers RC and Southampton Tri for putting on a great and tough race.  The plentiful cakes at the finish were a great reward for getting up that last hill
  • Toughest course of the series so far, loved the 1/2 mile hill finish!
  • Great race today, the best cakes? Possibly. The toughest course? Probably. Did we all enjoy it? Definitely! Thanks to everyone involved this morning.
  • Amazing moment on a frosty CC6 this morning to have my path interupted by a herd of deer!  Thanks to all the volunteer clubs for marshalling and for the cake!
  • another great morning of ice, mud and hills.  A fair few of us found this morning very hard work but the marshals were absolutely brilliant in cheering us all along!  Fair play to Romsey, Halterworth and Southampton Tri for braving the Arctic conditions.


PLEASE COULD I REMIND THE RESULTS PEOPLE THAT ALL RESULTS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED ON THE EXCEL TEMPLATES SENT OUT AT THE START OF THE SEASON.  Let me know if you need another one sent.  Also, please be consistent with the spelling of names and nicknames.  I copy and paste names, so if you use Andy and Andrew, for instance, for the same person on different races, they end up with 2 entries.

The Ladies’ Team results have been amended, as a lady transferred from Hedge End to Stubbington mid-season, and the rules state that when this happens the runner cannot score for the club they transfer to until the next season.








Here’s an update from Ken West, Romsey Road Runners:

“We have run the course last weekend, and not to disappoint, the course is as usual suitably wet, slippery and very muddy, with just a short section on gravel and a nice slippery hill to finish.

Parking near the race venue is in the two areas known as Stoney Cross Plain and Stoney Cross, opposite Longbeech campsite, and walking access to the race area is via Longbeech campsite.

Please use the car parks and do not park in or along the Longbeech road as this is for emergency vehicles access.

As ever, please encourage car sharing as much as possible as parking is very limited.”

Please click on the link below for directions, instructions, and a lovely map!


carshare – carshare – carshare – carshare – carshare – carshare – carshare – carshare !!

Race 5 – Badger Farm – 8th January

Very many thanks to WADAC, SAC & SRS for putting on today’s show!  We liked the new route with the varied terrain.  If you could just do something about that uphill finish…

Here are today’s comments:

  • from what I heard it was another great bundle of fun up hills and through puddles!
  • A lot more mud today than yesterday’s Hampshire XC Championships, great to see lots of runners doubling up and running both races this weekend.  Thank you to the supportive marshals.
  • Thanks to Winchester, Southampton and the Running Sisters for this morning’s CC6. We enjoyed the new course, despite the slippery conditions.
  • The new course this morning was tough going but enjoyable. I think the new section is an improvement on previous years and added plenty of challenge in the form of mud!  Thanks to the organisers, marshals, and for the cakes!

    The results are up, including the regular mystery man, this time no 68.


It’s nearly CC6 time again!  Here’s the low down from WADAC’s Stephen Lowy:

Happy New Year everyone, Winchester, Southampton and Running Sisters have checked out the course for next Sunday’s CC6 course.  The circuit is muddy in parts but currently free of any obstructions, but nothing too tricky if you have trail shoes.  This year the course has been modified and will include 2 kissing gates at the top of a short (but steep) wooded hill at the Compton Down end of the course.  The race is 5 miles long and mainly on paths, tracks and grass downland.  There is ample parking at the Badger Farm Sainsbury car park, but please park your vehicle at the far end, near the community centre/surgery.  You will find steps from the rear of the car park leading to Whiteshute Ridge (5 minute walk) where the race starts/finish.

Race 4 – Janesmoor Pond – 11th December

Please note – the results have been amended on 15th Dec to include both Andy Simpsons!  Andy Simpson of Hardley, you are now Andrew.


Thank you to Lordshill and Wessex for putting on the show today!  I think all your efforts were appreciated.  This is what you said:

  • Great race this morning at Janesmoor Pond – sunshine, course, mud, Santa & cakes!
  • Thankyou so much to everyone who marshalled – it was awesome!!!!!
  • Wow, what a race!  These outings on frosty Sunday mornings keep getting better.  That was by far the hardest race I have taken part in but also the most rewarding to finish.  I think that I, along with a fair few others, thought I was hallucinating when I saw Father Christmas sitting in the woods playing a tuba!  The marshals were festive, jolly and a pleasure to thank all the way around the course.  That was truly a superb way to head into the Christmas break, although it may take a while to wash the mud out of our kit!
  • many thanks to Santa’s helpers (Lordshill and Wessex) making Janesmoor another friendly if not challenging venue for the Christmas CC6 race
  • We all had a great time at Janesmoor this morning.  Other than one mid-race drop out due to injury everyone really enjoyed the course, including the mud!  Our thanks to Lordshill and Wessex for organising, with particular mention to the cakes which as always were very welcome!
  • Thank you to your club for hosting today’s race.  I do love Santa’s grotto and being serenaded with the Christmas music!We were “lucky” to have Paul Hammond with us today, who was busy snapping away, catching us unawares.  Thank you Paul (I hope you will be running at the next one!).

Here is the link to his photos:

Janesmoor Pond CC6

I aplogise for the late results this time… But I can assure you that if I had received all the spreadsheets and in the correct format by 6pm on Sunday they would have been done Sunday night. – Just saying…

Christmas is coming, which can mean only one thing…  it’s time for the Lordshill/Wessex CC6!  Following the recce on 27th Nov, Richard Widdop has given this assessment:

“The course was checked out on Sunday and considering the recent weather it is looking good.

To the first timers this means you will definitely get wet and muddy!

Please be courteous to other users of the Forest,  specially  those that turn up once a year in fancy dress!

Please car share and arrive in good time,  you have a 6 to 7 minute walk to the start.

Enjoy the run!”

Race 3 – Dibden Inc – 6th November

What a wonderful morning for a great race!  Thank you Hardley, we loved your new route (despite the fact Mick Anglim said there were 3 hills, and there were 4, which blew my 3 hill race strategy right out of the window…..) It’s ok Mick, you’re forgiven as it was such a lovely morning 😉

I’m pleased to say the Ladies’ results are all present and correct, but I am missing male position 21. I’d appreciate it if anyone can help.  The results are up, with Man 21 missing. Please note, the Male ticket 78 was not given out, so all men with numbers after that have gone up one position.

Judging by all the comments, I think we can safely say that today’s CC6 was a great success.  This is what you said:

  • great course well organised thanks
  • Another beautiful Sunday morning run, friendly marshals and CAKE! What more could you want. Thank you Hardley
  • What a glorious morning, I think this was the driest Dibden course in memory, unfortunately the absence of rain and reduction in mud doesn’t seem to flatten the hills at all!!!  Mind, the cake stall seems to be getting bigger, well done Hardley
  • Thanks to Hardley for a great raceThe race was really well-organised by Hardly with loads of friendly marshals (and music) all the way along.  We are loving the CC6 and can’t wait for the next one!




Venue: Dibden Inclosure, Beaulieu Road

Start time: 9:30 Course: The route is the same as last year. A single lap of approximately 4.9 miles with a mixture of grass, gravel and muddy tracks (and some hills) around Dibden Inclosure.

Parking map

Parking:  As parking is limited here we request that you car share wherever possible. Parking on the tracks of the Inclosure (SO42 7YR) is particularity limited and therefore this will be reserved for those who car share to the event. Note: If parking here please relocated your car to the car park if you plan to stay on after the race.  Parking before the race is not permitted in the Dibden Inclosure car park as this is used by other members of the public.

Further parking is available a few minutes walk from start on Nash Road, West Road and North Road in Dibden Purlieu and in a public car park on Oak Road (SO45 4PH). See the attached map showing parking locations. There have been some issues around parking for events held here before and so I ask that you stick to these areas and park considerately (e.g. do not block driveways). There is a traffic light crossing to take you across the main road and into the starting area.

The Heath pub (SO45 4PW) (just across the road from the start) have also agreed to provide race parking for anyone that intends to buy breakfast there afterwards (served till 11am, menu attached). If you wish to use this option then please let them know when you park up as they will need to plan for possible numbers.

Facilities: There are no toilets or showering facilities available.

Notes:  As with all the forest courses, please be aware that there will be other members of the public using the area, dog walkers and horse riders etc. so please show courtesy.

Please listen to the marshals out on the course as they will be alerting you to obstacles such as uneven ground, fallen tress, roots, etc.

Contact: Simon Ibbotson, Hardley Runners CC6 Captain, simon.ibbotson@gmail.com

The Heath Breakfast Menu

Race 2 – Whiteley – 2nd October


I missed this one, but judging from all the feedback, it sounds like everyone had fun, it certainly was a great weatherwise.

This is what you said:

“Despite yesterdays rain it turned out nice and the course didn’t seem to be too muddy, were numbers down a bit with Bournemouth and Clarendon, felt a bit quieter?

What a wonderful morning it was. Everyone from LTC really enjoyed it and agreed the course is a great addition to the calendar!

One piece of feedback from the run was there was some confusion about the finish line, but other than that we all had a very enjoyable morning splashing in the mud, thanks to Stubbington and Netley!!

From the team formerly known as Lordshill, please find attached the results from Southampton. Just 6 brave men and 3 brave women from us today. Thanks to Stubbington and Netley for organising.”      (hahahaha DiM)

Big apologies to STC Men for not including them in last time’s team score, you’re in now chaps.  Results are up, but still missing man number 28 – WHO ARE YOU??

If anyone was taking photos please let me know, and I’ll post the link here.

Next up Hardley’s race at Dibden on 6th November, see you there!




Race 1 – Fleming Park – 18th September

Many thanks to Eastleigh, Hedge End and Itchen Spitfires for hosting Sunday’s event in perfect conditions.  There has been plenty of great feedback, so I think we can safely conclude that we enjoyed it!  Thanks for taking out the bunkers too!

There are some fabulous photos taken by Ken Grist, who has kindly shared them on Flickr.  Here is the link:  https://www.flickr.com/photos/140507985@N07/

Results are now complete, with the exception of Male Position 103. If you are, or know this person, please get in touch.  dimatt@btinternet.com


Next up, Whiteley on 2nd October.  Please make sure to give your tickets to the club results person.  Club results person, please send in results before 6pm Sunday night.

Thank you




2016-17 Season Dates

The dates have been confirmed, and are as follows:

CC6 16-17

Please fill your cars with runners, we must keep the number of cars being parked, especially in the Forest, to a minimum.  Club committee members, please make sure everyone is aware of this – thank you!

CC6 Season 2016-2017

Hello Runners!

PLEASE NOTE:  The date of the first race has already been set.  Details are:

  • 18th September
  • Fleming Park
  • 9:30 am

We have provisonal dates for the other 7 races, and as soon as they are confirmed they will be posted here.

Enjoy your summer running wherever you are!