cc6 results race 7 Wilverley

What a great way to finish off the season as 146 runners enjoyed nice sunshine, a good hard course, plus tea and cakes to round it off – thank you New Forest and Lymington Tri for your efforts

Todays results are now uploaded – final individual series positions to follow hopefully posted by the middle of the week at the latest

Well done to Mike Gregory from Stubbington and Kath Bailey from Winchester who won todays race and congratulations to Helen Wallington from Totton and James Phillips from Lymington Tri who came first overall in the series

In  todays race the team winners were Lordshill in the mens and Winchester in the ladies – the series winners were Lordshill men, Totton ladies and Lordshill in the combined. My apologies if you saw the earlier version where i had the incorrect series winners shown.

and here’s the feedback received about todays race

Some races have quicksand. Some races have great cake. Surely this is the only one with both!!! Great way to end the series

A great course, how many hills you can possibly fit in, some nice sand and some good mud and water

Please find attached the  results from this morning. 14 of us and we all seemed
to enjoy it, even the quicksand.

What an amazing day for a CC6!!!  Conditions were perfect!!!!!  Thoroughly enjoyed by
all – especially the cake!

Just about recovered from that VERY HARD run, but what beautiful weather!  Couldn’t have been better!

and so the last race of the season with glorious sun shine, cakes galore and even tea (I think a first), this sets the bar rather high for the other clubs next season!  I am pleased to say the quick sand did not claim any of our runners.

Maybe we should set up a cake competition to judge the best hosts for 2015/16?

cc6 race 4 photos

just a reminder you can find photos from most cc6 races, including todays festive race, on Paul Hammonds website –

Thank you Paul

2014/15 Fixtures

are as follows

12th October – Fleming Park, Eastleigh- Eastleigh/Stubbington to host

9th November – Dibden Enclosure, Dibden Purlieu – Hardley hosting

23rd November – Kings Enclosure, Stoney X – Romsey/Halterworth hosting

14th December – Janesmore Pond, Stoney X – Lordshill/Wessex to host

11th January – Badgers Farm, Winchester – Winchester, Southampton and R.Sisters to host

15th February – Denny Wood, New Forest – Totton hosting

1st March – Wilverley, New Forest – Lymington Tri/New Forest to host

2014/15 season – rule changes

welcome to another cc6 season.

the cc6 agm was  held on the 27th August and fixtures / venues agreed but will need to wait a week or so before publishing (as need forestry commision to agree the forest dates) though 1st race of the season is pencilled in for October 12th at Fleming Park, to be hosted by Eastleigh and Stubbington, who we welcomed to the league this season

Agreed at the meeting to retain the 7 race format but reduce individual scoring to best 4 races, rather than 5. Team scoring remains same at 6 out of 7.

Also agreed to line up with rr10 league and not allow runners to compete in ‘home’ races as it was felt this was leaving the clubs with fewer members at a disadvantage to the ‘larger’ clubs.


2013/2014 final results

are now uploaded onto ‘Historical Results’ tab.

we had 419 runners taking part in at least one race this season, made up of 252 men and 167 ladies.

congratulations to Winchester who won both the ladies team title and the combined cup and Lordshill who won the mens league.

Nick Buis from Totton won the mens title, with Andy Grigg from Lordshill the runner up and David Blackman from Southampton in 3rd place.

Laure Van Den Broeck from Lordshill won the ladies league, with Sue Sleath from Hardley in second place and Sonia Rushby from Eastleigh in third place.

vet winners were as follows

v40 – Sonia Rushby(Eastleigh) & Dave Blackman(Soton ac)

v50- Sue Sleath(Hardley) & John Paulson(Lymington Tri)

v60 – Christine Harris (Hardley) & Steve Dunford(Wessex)

v70-Anne Bruce Lowe(Hardley) & Peter Hawker(Wessex)

2013/14 fixtures

Confirmed dates and venues for 2013/2014 season are as follows

29th September 2013 – Fleming Park

10th November 2013 – Kings Enclosure, Stoney Cross

1st December 2013 – Badgers Farm, Winchester

15th December 2013 – Janesmore Pond, Stoney Cross

5th January 2014 – Dibden Enclosure, Dibden Purlieu

9th February 2014 – Dennywood, New Forest

2nd March 2014 – Wilverley, New Forest

Now 7 races rather than 6, with New Forest and Lymington Tri hosting the additional – does mean that individuals will now need to score in 5 of the 7 races to ‘win’ a category rather than 4 and teams to score in 6 out of the 7.

Also agreed at fixture meeting to continue the open format of league so once again no restriction on ‘faster’ runners competing



Final results for 2012-13

Congratulations to the following who took the top spots in this seasons series of races

1st Laure Van Den Broeck Lordshill
2nd Claire Dyer Totton
2nd (tied) Shantha Dickinson Romsey
V40 Lucy Buis Totton
V50 Virginia Collins Totton
V60 No V60 lady completed 4 or more races
V70 Anne Bruce Low Hardley
Team Totton  
1st Nick Buis Totton
2nd Graham Fisher Southampton
3rd Dan Campion Lordshill
V40 Emyr Morgan Southampton
V50 Paul Sidaway Eastleigh
V60 Steve Dunford Wessex
V70 John Timms Totton
Team Lordshill  
Combined Lordshill  


CC6 2012/2013 SEASON – WINNERS

Winners of trophies were: Men – Nick Buis – Totton, Ladies – Laure Van Den Broeck –  Lordshill, Teams Men – Lordshill, Teams Ladies – Totton, Teams Combined  – Lordshill. Congratulations to all. (If anyone has the men’s team trophy hidden away, please can you dig it out, we did manage to find the ladies one, so that is now back in circulation. Likewise if there is a combined team one, please can you have a dig for that too. It would be nice to get back to presenting them, it makes for a great season end.)


‘Fast’ runner restriction removed

Following difficulties encountered last season in enforcing the ‘fast’ runner restriction rules, it was decided at the cc6 agm to remove the ruling for the 2012/2013 season and open the league to all runners from the member clubs.

Review to take place at the end of the season to see what, if any, impact the removal causes and decision will then be made at the 2013/2014 agm to decide if the rule change is to continue