Following difficulties encountered last season in enforcing the ‘fast’ runner restriction rules, it was decided at the cc6 agm to remove the ruling for the 2012/2013 season and open the league to all runners from the member clubs.
Review to take place at the end of the season to see what, if any, impact the removal causes and decision will then be made at the 2013/2014 agm to decide if the rule change is to continue
Re Fast Runner Restriction.
I looked forward to the CC6 Series at least I did until the change.Im not annoyed because I have absolutely no chance of winning the series whether it was open or not, Im annoyed because the one thing that made the CC6 series different from other races has been removed. I would be interested if the people that made the decision concerning the change in the race series actually participate in it as a runner themselves and if they actually consulted their club members for their opinion. Mine didnt , at least not myself and others in the SAC that I know. Most runners are reasonable and would not take umbrage from being prevented from doing further races. The league as it was structured also to give clubs that have a small membership or a large membership with few elite , a chance of mixing it with the big boys making it more of a level playing field. I will be doing the Hampshire XC league this season and lucky to finish near the top100! A small loss to the league I know but if others runners vote with their feet the CC6 changes may have to be reversed to prevent implosion!
Lastly thanks to Martin and the ace photographer for a great website, with the rapid production of results and photos (although not always complimentary!)
Very dissapointed in the change of rule
Looks like the elite runners win again and the
Mid pack runners and beginners gain nothing
The change to “open for all” may work well. I was “too fast” banned from this race in my younger days and it has been clear to me that some of the runners should not have been competing. I would suggest that the faster runners will not turn up as it’s too muddy, usually, and too early in the morning !