Race 7 – Wilverley Plain

What a finale!  Thank you New Forest & Lymington Tri for a great race today, and as for the cake tent, WOW!!  So lucky with the weather, just imagine running that course in the rain…

So, congratulations to the following:


1st Richard Waldron SAC, 2nd James Phillips Lymington Tri, 3rd Dan Campion Lordshill.


1st  Nikki Roebuck Stubbington, 2nd Sam Parkinson Winchester, 3rd Emma Carter Winchester

1st Men’s Team Southampton AC, and 1st Ladies Team Stubbington.


Not so much feedback in the results’ emails this time, whether that’s due to it being Mothers’ Day or sheer exhaustion, I’m not sure, but some postie chap did complain that the course hadn’t been cleaned up very well!  (He fell over twice!)  He did have a twinkle in his eye when he said it though.

This is what you thought of it:

  • The running mothers of Winchester were so taken by the groaning cake table before the race we decided to take a team photo, cake stall and ladies, amazing!  It was nice to have a race with a little less mud than previous courses (just for change), with sunshine, friendly marshals and a real end of term feel, well done, we enjoyed the race despite some heavy legs.
  • Thanks to New Forest and Lymo for today’s race – a great way to end the season, a Spring Classic!  Bring on the RR10.  Thanks for your efforts this season.
  • Please extend our thanks to New Forest and LTC for a great, and tough, race.  As usual they put on a great selection of cakes which were very welcome!

A great season enjoyed by hundreds of runners, see you at the RR10s!

A message from Stuart Judd:

Hi All
There are some cracking photos from the CC6 at Wilverley at either our club facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/89119299349/
or on this flickr page https://flic.kr/g/sbskF
Hope you all enjoyed running it and much as we enjoyed hosting it.

Stuart Judd, NFR


New Forest Runners & Lymington Tri Club

2016 CC6 7/7: Wilverley Plain


(Private house – race car parks 500m north)

OS GRID REF SU 254 010
COURSE DISTANCE 8km (approx)
DATE: 6th March 2014 RACE START 0930 Prompt


  • From North: Take A35 south from Lyndhurst.
  • From South: Take A35 North from Christchurch.
  • Turn left onto slip road at Holmsley Tea Rooms,
  • Signed “Setthorns”, “Burley Manor Hotel”.
  • Turn right onto minor road
  • Signed “Setthorns”, “Sway”, “Brockenhurst”.
  • Travel east for 2km, over cattle grid, follow road up and left to car parks.



  • There is an initial 1 km wide, flat grass run prior to the path narrowing.
  • The course consists of grass, gravel track, mud, single track, bog and water crossings. Spikes are not recommended.
  • The course is configured as a single loop.
  • The course is owned by the Forestry Commission and is open for public use.
  • Please be considerate to other forest users and aware of horses.
  • There are limited toilet facilities in the main car park (Please Car share where possible to reduce congestion and needing to use overflow car parks ½ mile away)
  • Tea and Cake available afterwards.
  • Free mud and trainers* filled with water for every finisher.

*runners will need to bring their own trainers 🙂



Race 6 – Denny Wood – 21st February – 9:30am


Thank you Totton for today’s race.  I was getting my muddy race fix elsewhere, but by all accounts everyone had fun!  Feedback from your results people is as follows:

  • Many thanks to all the marshals today for another great race at Denny’s Wood. Nice conditions for a change !!
  • Thanks to Totton for a great race, and a fine effort with the cake table!
  • Please extend our thanks to Totton RC for a great race. The course was challenging but made more bearable with the constant support from their many marshals.  The rewards too were amazing with the vast array of cakes on offer. Well done Totton.
  • …the fantastic CC6 today!!!
  • The Green Army enjoyed Dennywood today, thank you Totton for hosting
  • A great race this morning. Plenty of mud – just as we like them!!
  • … it was a lovely and convenient race as always with plenty of water hazards and loads of supportive marshals, the cake stall was excellent, and we were able to stumble, in a sugar haze, from the finish our vehicle.

I do have all the results in, but haven’t completed the master table yet, so only this week’s are showing for now.  Will try to finish off tomorrow. Sorry…

Race 5 – Kings Garn Gutter

Thank you Romsey and Halterworth for a ‘charming’ little race on Sunday, hats off to everyone that managed to run all of that last hill!

This is what you had to say about it:

“Thank you for your “encouragement” (you’re welcome Rich!)

Definately the toughest course in the series, needless to say, everyone loved it!

Was really pleased to get back to the shower after that one.  Can’t remember ever carrying around as much mud as I did today and that’s without falling over….

Stoney Cross was the toughest course so far for the series

Just like to thank the marshals for turning out on this drizzly day, hope not too many shoes were lost in the race.

Many thanks to Romsey & Halterworth for great race this morning in the drizzle/mud/hills of Kings Garn Gutter … it’s certainly a tough one!”

Next up is Dennywood on 21st Feb, you’d better get those shoes clean!


Race 4 – Badger Farm

Many thanks to Winchester, Southampton and SR Sisters for today’s race, cakes and sunshine!

Here is the feedback:

“I swear that hill gets longer each year!

Can’t believe we managed to complete the event without getting rained on….

Once again, despite the challenges of the chalky mud, it was a great race with lots of support from the marshals.  Please extend our thanks to Running Sisters, Southampton and Winchester.

Another well organised race again with the weather holding off.”

Our good friend Paul Hammond was present today with his weapon, and you can see the fruits of his labours here .  Thanks Paul!

PS – All results are now on one spreadsheet!



Race 3 – Janesmoor Pond

Thank you Lordshill and Wessex, we were blessed with dry weather, but by the look of you coming in I think it may have been a tad soggy on the course!  Here is the feedback received:

  • We really enjoyed the CC6 today and the extra effort by the marshals was outstanding.
  • Everyone enjoyed the course and the cakes were excellent.
  • Perhaps one of my favourite races, its  a bit like a chocolate with a soft centre, except replace the chocolate for mud.  Nice and technical, and some faster stretches too, I don’t remember so many santa marshals this time compared to previous years and the cake selection was great too.
  • While it was very muddy, this is one of our favourite fixtures and it was great to see so many marshall’s dressed for the festive occasion!  Please extend our thanks to Lordshill & Wessex.
  • Many thanks for a great race today (especially the cakes for us spectators).
  • Great race today – many thanks to you and all the very encouraging marshals for a well organised event.

Thanks for sending the results in so promptly, and (mostly) on the Excel sheets.  Merry Christmas everyone!

Race 2 – Dibden Inclosure


Remember, please send your club results by 7pm on the Sunday using the Excel template provided. Let me if you need another.

Many thanks to Hardley for putting on a great race, and providing plenty of nourishment!  It was a bit chilly, but we soon warmed up, didn’t we?!  Unfortunately there is one ‘incident’ to report.  Apparently one of our runners had an altercation with a dog walker.  Please don’t swear at dog walkers, they have just as much right to be there as us, just think of them as an extra obstacle to get round.  Don’t waste valuable running energy on getting cross!

Jeremy, from Hardley was on the camera today, and you can see yourself in action HERE.

See you on the 13th December!


CC6 Race 1 Results

NEWSFLASH!!  Romsey’s CC6 in January has changed dates from 24th Jan to 31st Jan 2016.

Don’t forget to email results to dimatt@btinternet.com  (Martin’s btopenreach address is no longer valid)

Very many thanks to Paul Hammond for his usual high quality snapping.  You can see his pics here:


We can get our renvenge, as he’ll be running the rest of the CC6s!

CC6/7 Fixtures 2015/16

Fixtures and venues for 2015/16 season as follows

11th October – Fleming Park, Eastleigh

22nd November – Dibden Inclosure, Dibden Purlieu

13th December – Janesmore Pond, Stoney Cross

10th January – Badger Farm, Olivers Battery, Winchester

31st January* – Kings Garn Inclosure, Stoney Cross – note revised date

21st February* – Dennywood, New Forest – *note revised date

6th March – Wilverley Inclosure, New Forest

all races start 09.30

2014/15 final results

Final results for the season now added under ‘historical results’ tab

We saw 270 men and 197 ladies take part this season, an increase of about 50 over last season but almost all that number made up from Stubbington joining us.

Congratulations to the following

Ladies Team, Totton
1st Female, Helen Wallington, Totton
2nd Jo Haley, Totton
3rd Jane Gander, Winchester
1st V40 Helen Wallington, Totton
1st V50 Virginia Collins, Totton
1st V60 Rosemarie Osbourne, New Forest
1st V70 Anne Bruce Lowe, Hardley
Mens Team, Lordshill
1st Male James Phillips, Lymington Tri
2nd Andy Simpson, Stubbington
3rd Julien Mann, Winchester
1st V40 Andy Simpson, Stubbington
1st V50 John Gore, Winchester
1st V60 Martyn West, Winchester
1st V70 n/a
Combined Team Lordshill