Wessex Road Runners & Lordshill Runners invite you to Race 3 of the series.
Date 12th December 2021
Time 09 : 30
Venue Kings Garn Inclosure
What 3 words:- scream.spades. scouting.
Undulating course on gravel tracks. Distance is 9K approx.
Pop up tents and club sails allowed at start/finish area
There are no changing facilities or toilets
Please bring your own drinks.
Car parking will be at Ocknell CampsiteĀ (see attachment) https://cc6.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Ocknel-car-park-map-instructions.odt
Please arrive in good time. Allow for a 1 mile walk from car park to the start
Please carry a face covering and practice social distancing.If you feel unwell , display symptoms of Covid 19 or have been in contact with a positive case, DO NOT ATTEND. If you show symptoms of Covid 19 or test positive within 10 days of the event please inform the event organiser.
Finally, have a good run!
Richard Widdop